Gemstones & Crystals care and cleansing



Gemstones are precious and valuable, and require proper care to maintain their beauty and value.

Cleaning gemstones :

  • Use warm water and mild soap to gently clean gemstones.
  • Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaners, as these can damage certain types of gemstones.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives on gemstones.
  • Dry gemstones thoroughly after cleaning.
  • Storing gemstones:
  • Store gemstones separately to avoid scratches or damage.
  • Use soft cloth or velvet to wrap gemstones.
  • Keep gemstones away from high temperatures and humidity.
  • Wearing gemstones:
  • Be mindful of the type of gemstone you are wearing and its durability.
  • Avoid exposing gemstones to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures.
  • Remove gemstones when participating in activities that may cause damage, such as sports or cleaning.
  • Professional cleaning and inspection:
  • Have a professional jeweler inspect your gemstones at least once a year.
  • Have a professional jeweler clean your gemstones as needed.
  • Keep records of professional cleaning and inspection for insurance purposes.
  • Insurance:
  • Insure valuable gemstones to protect against loss or damage.
  • Keep a detailed inventory of your gemstones, including descriptions, photographs, and appraisals.
  • Review your insurance policy regularly to ensure adequate coverage.

Common gemstones care tips:

  • Diamonds: Clean with mild detergent and warm water, avoid ultrasonic cleaner
  • Pearls: Avoid exposure to chemicals and cosmetics, wipe with soft cloth after wearing
  • Emeralds: Avoid ultrasonic cleaning, avoid exposure to heat, clean with mild detergent and warm water
  • Sapphires: Avoid ultrasonic cleaning, avoid heat, clean with mild detergent and warm water
  • Opals: Avoid heat and harsh chemicals, clean with mild detergent and warm water, store in moist cloth
  • Rubies: Avoid ultrasonic cleaning, avoid heat, clean with mild detergent and warm water.

Proper care for colored gemstones:

  • Colored gemstones, such as rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, are often more fragile and delicate than diamonds.
  • Avoid exposing colored gemstones to extreme temperatures or chemicals, as these can cause damage or fading of the color.
  • Clean colored gemstones with mild detergent and warm water, and avoid ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Proper care for pearls:
  • Pearls are a unique gemstone that require special care to maintain their beauty.
  • Avoid exposing pearls to chemicals, cosmetics, or extreme temperatures, as these can damage the pearl's surface.
  • Clean pearls with a soft cloth after wearing, and store them in a cool, dry place.
  • Proper care for opals:
  • Opals are a unique gemstone that require special care to maintain their beauty.
  • Avoid exposing opals to heat or harsh chemicals, as these can cause cracking or damage.
  • Clean opals with mild detergent and warm water, and store them in a moist cloth to prevent drying out.
  • Proper care for jade:
  • Jade is a delicate gemstone that requires special care to maintain its beauty.
  • Avoid exposing jade to extreme temperatures or chemicals, as these can cause damage or discoloration.
  • Clean jade with mild detergent and warm water, and avoid ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Proper care for turquoise:
  • Turquoise is a delicate gemstone that requires special care to maintain its beauty.
  • Avoid exposing turquoise to extreme temperatures or chemicals, as these can cause damage or discoloration.
  • Clean turquoise with mild detergent and warm water, and avoid ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Proper care for malachite:
  • Malachite is a delicate gemstone that requires special care to maintain its beauty.
  • Avoid exposing malachite to extreme temperatures or chemicals, as these can cause damage or discoloration.
  • Clean malachite with mild detergent and warm water, and avoid ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Conclusion: Proper care is essential to maintain the beauty and value of gemstones. Each gemstone has unique care requirements, and it is important to understand and follow the specific care instructions for the gemstone you own. Regular cleaning, inspection, and insurance can help protect your gemstones and ensure they last for many years to come.

If you are looking to buy some gemstones for your collection. Check out some of our beautiful gemstones.

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